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VueMinder Ultimate - программа, которая поможет систематизировать ваше время. Составьте себе расписание и получайте напоминания когда угодно и где угодно. Получайте всю информацию о встречах, заданиях и записях, просто взглянув на прозрачный календарь, который находится прямо на вашем рабочем столе. Открывайте совместный доступ к календарю на работе, дома или в Интернете. Автоматическая синхронизация календаря с Google Calendar и Outlook. Вы сможете распечатать календарь, используя любой из предоставленных стилей и шаблонов. Вы сможете запланировать и сделать очень много с помощью VueMinder Calendar.
Основные возможности:
* Гибкие опции напоминаний
* Синхронизация с Google Calendar
* Возможность интеграции в Microsoft Outlook и Excel
* Встроенный календарь рабочего стола
* Возможность полностью настроить то, как отображаются записи в календаре
* Возможность просматривать день, неделю, месяц и т.д.
* Открывайте общий доступ к календарю по локальной сети
* Отправляйте весь календарь или отдельные встречи и напоминания по электронной почте
* Управление данными
* И много других функций…
Take control of your schedule and get reminded wherever and however you want. Instantly access your appointments, tasks, and notes with a simple glance at a transparent calendar that sits right on your Windows desktop. Share calendars and reminders in your home, office, or online. Automatically synchronize with Google Calendar and Outlook. Print calendars using a wide variety of layouts and styles. You can do all these things and much more with VueMinder Calendar.
Added a "Do Not Disturb" mode to temporarily prevent popup reminders and desktop alerts from appearing. Any scheduled reminders will automatically appear after exiting "Do Not Disturb" mode.
Added a font size option to the Contact List and increased the default font size to make the list easier to read.
Added the ability to specify an event title prefix for each calendar. The specified prefix will automatically appear in event titles on the Day, Week, and Month views. This can help make it easier to differentiate events based on calendar.
Added an option to specify the default date/time format to be used by the text editor's "Insert Date and Time" feature.
Added a keyboard shortcut for the text editor's "Insert Date and Time" feature. Pressing Ctrl+T will insert the current date/time using the previously selected default format.
Added an option when saving as a web page to not show event creation and modification times. For shared events, the event creator's name will also not be shown.
Added a button to the mini desktop calendar for opening the main VueMinder window.
Improved performance and reliability of syncing with Exchange Server. VueMinder has been updated to use the latest Exchange Web Services API.
Improved performance of syncing with local Outlook calendars.
Improved performance when there are a large number of completed tasks, especially when starting VueMinder or when editing tasks.
Improved VueMinder to support secure connections using TLS1.2. This fixes a variety of issues, such as not being able to subscribe to Yahoo! Calendar and not being able to send email reminders through certain email servers.
Improved syncing of meeting requests with Google Calendar. The organizer's email address was not appearing on the Meeting tab of the Event Editor if the meeting was sent from a different account.
Improved the Details Pane to show the selected event's creation date/time. If the event was modified, the last modification time will also be shown.
Improved the display of event creation and modification times when syncing with external calendars like Google Calendar, Exchange Server, or iCalendar subscriptions. The Details Pane will show when events were created or modified externally, not when the calendar was last synced.
Improved the Details Pane when a modified occurrence of a recurring event is selected. If the event has been rescheduled or moved to a different location, the original time or location will be crossed out and followed by the updated value.
Improved integration with PrintableCal. PrintableCal will use VueMinder's latest data when generating a printable calendar.
Improved exporting to CSV and Excel files. The exported column headers will be translated if VueMinder is configured to use a non-English language, rather than always exporting as English.
Improved importing from CSV and Excel files. Non-English column headers will be recognized and automatically mapped to input fields, rather than needing to manually define the field mappings.
Improved the task list on the desktop calendar. Completed tasks will no longer be shown and tasks will be sorted by due date.
Improved and updated the appearance of the mini desktop calendar. It will look better on Windows 10 now.
Improved the open file dialog when inserting a picture or adding media to a reminder. The dialog will open to the previously selected folder location by default.
Improved the auto-backup feature. If the specified auto-backup folder is unavailable, a message will appear indicating the backup failed and providing an option to change the auto-backup settings.
Corrected handling of unexpected errors when syncing with Outlook. Previously, if any errors were encountered while syncing, all events in the calendar could sometimes be incorrectly deleted.
Corrected cases where events could be deleted after syncing with Outlook, if the events were copied and pasted from one synced calendar to another.
Corrected various problems when syncing with Outlook, particularly when changes have been made to recurring events.
Corrected calendars not appearing in Outlook when configured to sync from VueMinder. Only calendars that were already defined in Outlook could be synced.
Corrected syncing with Outlook when the option to include reminders is unchecked and a default reminder has been defined in VueMinder. The default reminder was not getting applied to new events created in Outlook and synced to VueMinder.
Corrected connection errors that could occur when attempting to connect to some Exchange Servers.
Corrected events to automatically sync with Exchange Server when the category is changed via the right-click menu.
Corrected various problems related to the syncing of meeting requests with Exchange Server, Outlook, and Google Calendar.
Corrected cases in which deleted occurrences of recurring events could sometimes appear in VueMinder when importing iCalendar files or when subscribing to online calendars like Yahoo! Calendar.
Corrected iCalendar subscriptions to not show duplicate events when recurring events have been edited externally (such as on Yahoo! Calendar) with the "This and all future events" option selected.
Corrected the Calendar Properties when a calendar was previously configured to be published to a local file. When re-opening the Calendar Properties, the calendar would sometimes change to 2-way syncing.
Corrected the Calendar Properties default event settings when the "Apply to new calendars" box is checked for a calendar that is synced. When a new calendar was created, the sync settings of the other calendar were incorrectly replicated to the new calendar.
Corrected the "Do not publish events older than" field in the Calendar Properties for published calendars. The specified value wasn't being saved or used.
Corrected the appearance of tasks that are shared over a local network and marked as complete on a different computer.
Corrected importing events that have reminders defined in CSV or Excel files. If the events were imported into a calendar that is synced with Outlook, the reminders weren't getting enabled in Outlook.
Corrected importing contacts from Google Contacts when using the Import Contacts menu command. Contacts could only be imported by syncing with Google Contacts.
Corrected importing from Excel and CSV files when column headers start or end with spaces or tab characters. The columns were not automatically mapped to corresponding data fields in VueMinder.
Corrected importing the "Voice phone reminder" column from Excel and CSV files.
Corrected exported or published iCalendar files to include event creation and modification times.
Corrected the handling of improperly formatted data when editing a contact.
Corrected sorting date values in custom data columns of the Event, Task, Note, and Contacts Lists.
Corrected the Save as Web Page window when uploading the generated web page via FTP. A crash could occur if the window was re-opened and commanded to upload again while the previous upload was still in progress.
Corrected refresh problems in the task list on the desktop calendar when deleting a task, undoing the deletion of a task, or creating/editing a subtask.
Corrected the task list on the desktop calendar to not scroll to the top when tasks are deleted, modified, or created.
Corrected the Email Settings when attempting to change the "Your name" value. The updated name sometimes wouldn't be saved.
Corrected the Memo print layout to not include previously deleted occurrences of recurring events that are associated with synced calendars.
Corrected the display of recurring events in the Week grid view. If the option to show occurrence numbers was enabled, the event location text would overlap the event title.
Corrected changing the font name and size in the text editor. In some cases, the selected font wouldn't be applied and wouldn't be saved as the default.
Corrected the reported number of events shown for backups in the Backup Data window. Note, this correction will only apply to new backups generated after updating.
Corrected the tooltip width when hovering over events if nVidia Surround is used on multiple 4K monitors.
Corrected VueMinder to restart after changing the "Enable text scaling" option.
Translated to Croatian
Updated the Czech, French, Polish, and Russian translations.
Other minor corrections and improvements.
Информация о программе:Год выпуска: 2017
Платформа: Windows® 10/8/8.1/XP/Vista/7
Язык интерфейса: Многоязычный + Русификатор
Лекарство: Keygen-DA
Размер файла: 16.33 MB
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