VueMinder Ultimate - программа, которая поможет систематизировать ваше время. Составьте себе расписание и получайте напоминания когда угодно и где угодно. Получайте всю информацию о встречах, заданиях и записях, просто взглянув на прозрачный календарь, который находится прямо на вашем рабочем столе. Открывайте совместный доступ к календарю на работе, дома или в Интернете. Автоматическая синхронизация календаря с Google Calendar и Outlook. Вы сможете распечатать календарь, используя любой из предоставленных стилей и шаблонов. Вы сможете запланировать и сделать очень много с помощью VueMinder Calendar. Основные возможности: * Гибкие опции напоминаний * Синхронизация с Google Calendar * Возможность интеграции в Microsoft Outlook и Excel * Встроенный календарь рабочего стола * Возможность полностью настроить то, как отображаются записи в календаре * Возможность просматривать день, неделю, месяц и т.д. * Открывайте общий доступ к календарю по локальной сети * Отправляйте весь календарь или отдельные встречи и напоминания по электронной почте * Управление данными * И много других функций… Take control of your schedule and get reminded wherever and however you want. Instantly access your appointments, tasks, and notes with a simple glance at a transparent calendar that sits right on your Windows desktop. Share calendars and reminders in your home, office, or online. Automatically synchronize with Google Calendar and Outlook. Print calendars using a wide variety of layouts and styles. You can do all these things and much more with VueMinder Calendar. Version 2017.00 (January 28, 2017) Added the ability to import or sync with any number of local Outlook account profiles, instead of only being able use the primary account profile. Added the ability to create, delete, and rename contact groups/folders. Added the ability to rename previously created distribution lists. Added the ability to specify the default group/folder for new contacts. Added an option to sync contact deletions with Google Contacts. Added an option to not include reminders when syncing with Exchange Server. Added options to enable word-wrapping of events, tasks, and notes independently of each other. Notes will no longer be word-wrapped by default, since they usually require too much space on the Month view. Added the ability to override the default background, text, link, and border colors of the Details Pane. Added a filter toggle button to the Details Pane. When the filter button is selected, items filtered from the Calendar View will also be filtered from the Details Pane. Added a button to the text editor for inserting the current date and time. Added an option to hide the Status Bar on the Desktop Calendar. Added an option to enable or disable text scaling. By default, VueMinder will no longer use text scaling. Instead, the user interface will match how it was intended to be displayed, even on high-resolution 4K monitors. Improved the performance of Google Contact syncing. Users that have many contacts should notice VueMinder runs faster after updating. Improved syncing of meeting requests with Google Calendar. The list of meeting attendees can now be seen in VueMinder. Improved meeting requests and email reminders to show the associated time zone. Improved sending of SMS reminders when configured to use a mobile carrier. Some mobile carriers (such as Verizon) will reject an SMS reminder sent from VueMinder to multiple recipients. A separate SMS reminder will now be transmitted to each recipient. Improved the Desktop Calendar to support cutting (Ctrl+X), copying (Ctrl+C), and pasting (Ctrl+V) items using keyboard shortcuts. Also added support for undoing changes (Ctrl+Z) on the Desktop Calendar. Improved the appearance of events in generated web pages to more closely match their appearances in VueMinder, including fonts, borders, and custom colors. Improved the readability of generated web pages. Also improved the arrow buttons used for navigating between months. Improved the Month Settings menu to make it easier to find options. Corrected syncing tasks with Google Calendar. Floating tasks that aren't due yet would incorrectly move to the current date after syncing. Also, changes to the due dates in Google Calendar wouldn't properly sync to VueMinder. Corrected Google Calendar meeting requests to be read-only when sent by a different account and permission wasn't granted to allow editing. Corrected handling of errors when sending meeting requests. If an error occurs and the meeting can't be sent, the error will be shown to the user. Corrected problems syncing with Google Calendar (and possibly other external calendars) when using a proxy server. Corrected importing from ICS files. In some cases, imported event descriptions would have missing spaces. Corrected associating subtasks with newly created parent tasks that haven't been saved yet. Corrected refreshing the Details Pane content when switching between the Contacts tab and one of the other Calendar View tabs. Corrected the title field to be automatically selected when opening or creating an event or task. This wasn't happening on some computers. Corrected the alignment of the day-of-week letters in the Yearly print layout. Corrected the Calendar View tabs to not close when Ctrl+F4 is pressed. Corrected the Clock panel to properly restore its previous size when VueMinder is restarted. Corrected reminders where the number of times to repeat media playback is set to "unlimited". The media playback would eventually stop repeating. Corrected a problem where the "run a program" action of a deleted recurring event could still occur. Corrected a performance problem when a date background image was previously added from a URL which is no longer available. Many other corrections and improvements. Информация о программе: Год выпуска: 2017 Платформа: Windows® 10/8/8.1/XP/Vista/7 Язык интерфейса: Многоязычный + Русификатор Лекарство: Keygen-DA Размер файла: 16.33 MB Скачать VueMinder Ultimate 2017.00 Final Уважаемый посетитель, Вы зашли на сайт как незарегистрированный пользователь. Мы рекомендуем Вам зарегистрироваться либо войти на сайт под своим именем. Другие новости, на которые Вам стоит взглянуть: |
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