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Скачать Boris FX Continuum Complete 2020
Если вам по роду деятельности нужны плагины для After Effects, Premiere Pro или DaVinci Resolve - цель которых помочь как аниматорам так и художникам улучшить свои работы и повысить эффективность, Boris Continuum Complete подойдет идеально. Вы получаете более двух сотен плагинов и более двух с половиной тысяч пресетов.
Комплект включает в себя большое количество фильтров, такие как экструдированный текст, 3D-эффекты частиц, инструменты восстановления изображения, блики и другие эффекты вспышек света, кеинга и трекинга движения, реалистичные эффекты камеры, полный набор инструментов цветокоррекции, эффекты модификации и перспективы объектов, размытие, свечение и кинематографические эффекты. Все фильтры используют многопроцессорное или OpenGL аппаратное ускорение для интерактивного дизайна эффектов. Более 1000 профессионально разработанных пресетов включены бесплатно в каждом дистрибутиве BCC. Сохраняйте и свободно обменивайтесь собственными пресетами или создавайте выборочные пресеты коллекции, настроенных на конкретные потребности проекта - без необходимости использования дорогостоящих услуг по подписке.
THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE PLUG-IN TOOLKIT - New! Fully editable Particle Illusion emitters
- New! Particle Illusion Dissolve with dozens of presets and full customization
- New! Enhanced Title Studio & Cinema 4D integration: Higher quality results and faster renders
- New! Spill Remover cleans unwanted light spill in just one click
- New! Light Wrap Spill allows users to wrap a background image onto the spill region
- New! Edge-snapping Mocha splines make roto and masking even faster
Continuum is the latest major update to the most comprehensive plug-in collection on the market. Key new features include the rebirth of the famed Particle Illusion motion graphics generator, Particle Illusion Dissolve transition, Title Studio Cinema 4D integration, Title Studio image-processing shaders such as glows, rays, and blurs, Spill Remover and Light Wrap Spill tools, Mocha Essentials workspace with 4 new spline tools like magnetic and edge-snapping, point-driven parameter tracking powered by Mocha, and overall GPU-acceleration.
PARTICLE ILLUSION It’s back! Particle Illusion (formerly particleIllusion) gets a total overhaul. The redesigned 64-bit application gives editors and artists access to an easy-to-use high-end particle and motion graphics generator. Instantly create preset-driven photorealistic motion tracked particle effects for titles, lower thirds, and background graphics. Build custom particle animations with fully editable emitter properties. Particle Illusion is included inside Continuum and the Continuum Particles Unit.
PARTICLE ILLUSION DISSOLVE Editors are always looking for new transitions — and Particle Illusion Dissolve offers limitless possibilities. Choose from over 50 professionally-designed auto-animating presets or build your own custom transition from scratch. Particle Illusion Dissolve includes the full power of the Particle Illusion editor giving you ultimate control over the look and timing of your transition.
TITLE STUDIO IMPROVEMENTS Continuum’s popular Title Studio plug-in makes it easy to create high-quality titles and lower thirds in minutes. Adds superior render quality and speed to Maxon Cinema 4D imports, new real-time image processing shaders including animated glows, blurs & volumetric lighting options, new 3D materials, new 8K or higher resolution support, new grids & guidelines, new onscreen text tools,150+ new presets, and faster playback.
SPILL REMOVER Green screen footage with a lot of light spill is no longer a time-consuming clean-up task. Spill Remover instantly gets rid of pesky light spill with a simple click making it the ideal tool for fine edges like hair. Spill Remover is integrated directly inside Primatte Studio and is an individual filter within the Key & Blend Unit. The new Light Wrap Spill feature inside Primatte Studio allows you to quickly wrap your background image onto the spill region.
ENHANCED MOCHA TRACKING AND MASKING Users already know and love the Academy Award-winning Mocha planar tracking tools integrated directly inside Continuum. Provides some major updates including an Essentials interface, magnetic spline tool and edge-snapping splines, point-parameter driven tracking, layout manager to customize your workspace, improved auto-saves, and High DPI support for Retina and 4K monitors. Mask and rotoscope even faster!
OVERALL IMPROVEMENTS Also includes new external broadcast monitor support (Blackmagic Design and AJA) for Title Studio and the FX Browser applications, new 32-bit deep-color support inside Adobe Premiere Pro, and streamlined filter, transitions and VFX generation in Avid thanks to the introduction of Mocha-based parameter tracking, rendering non-realtime blue dot filters unnecessary.
TITLE STUDIO & 3D OBJECTS Continuum’s 3D Objects Unit includes the popular Title Studio plugin for all your 2D/3D titling needs. Title Studio includes its own easy-to-use interface, fast and high-quality renders with improved integrated Maxon Cinema 4D model support, and tons of presets to get you started quickly. Other highlighted features include Extruded .EPS, Extruded Spline, Extruded Text, and Layer Deformer.
ART LOOKS Instantly recreate popular art styles. Continuum’s Art Looks Unit transforms footage into museum-worthy paint styles, comics, graphic novels, and more. Highlighted effects include Artist’s Poster, 3D Bump Map, Cartoon Look, Halftone, and Watercolor.
BLUR AND SHARPEN Direct your viewers to where you want them to focus. Continuum’s Blur and Sharpen Unit lets you add depth and blur, pull rack focus, create high-quality lens blurs, and more. Highlighted effects include Fast Lens Blur, Gaussian Blur, Lens Shape, Radial Blur, and Z-Blur.
FILM STYLE Continuum’s Film Style Unit lets you recreate beloved classic film looks from every decade. Add glam and grit to your next project. Highlighted effects include Fast Film Glow, Fast Film Process, Film Damage, Match Grain, and Two-Strip Color.
IMAGE RESTORATION Fix it in post. Continuum’s Image Restoration Unit is the must-have toolset that saves imperfect footage fast. Become a problem-solving hero. Highlighted effects include Beauty Studio, Flicker Fixer, Magic Sharp, PixelFixer, and Reframer.
KEY AND BLEND Create seamless composites without all the layering. Continuum’s Key and Blend Unit features the green screen and compositing power duo of Academy Award-nominated Phototron Primatte tech and Academy Award-winning integrated Mocha planar tracking and masking. Highlighted effects include Primatte Studio, Spill Remover, Light Wrap Spill, Chroma Key Studio, Luma Key, Make Alpha, and Light Wrap.
MATCH MOVE Continuum’s Match Move Unit makes image replacement easy. Blur out unwanted people and objects, replace screens, and accomplish tricky match moves between shots. Includes integrated Mocha planar tracking and masking for quick effect isolation.
PARTICLES Continuum’s Particles Unit is home to the powerful new Particle Illusion plug-in. Particle Illusion’s real-time generator makes adding stunning particle-based motion graphics a cinch. The easy-to-use interface features thousands of drag-and-drop presets. Other highlighted effects include Comet, Pin Art 3D, Organic Strands, Rain, and Snow.
PERSPECTIVE Work with a lot of stills? Continuum’s Perspective Unit will turn you into the next Ken Burns. Quickly add 3D perspective to 2D images with animatable camera, lights, and shadows. The renowned 3D Pan & Zoom effect is favored by top documentary, newcast, and reality TV projects. Other highlighted effects include 3D Extruded Image Shatter, Cube, Fast Flipper, and Sphere.
STYLIZE Continuum’s Stylize Unit is designed for the fast paced world of commercial and promo work. Add gritty street style or retro vibes to titles and footage in seconds. Highlighted effects include Damaged TV, Grunge, Misalignment, Scatterize, and Video Glitch.
TEXTURES Continuum’s Textures Unit lets you quickly generate organic photorealistic backgrounds, caustics, and surfaces. Highlighted effects include Brick, Cloth, Granite, Reptilian, Steel Plate, and Wood Grain.
TIME Continuum’s Time Unit makes it easy to speed up, slow down, and reverse your clips. Punch up action sequences with temporal blur or add time loops. Highlighted effects include Jitter, Looper, Optical Flow, Posterize Time, and Temporal Blur.
TRANSITIONS Cut. Add a slick transition. Repeat. Continuum’s Transitions Unit includes nearly 40 drag-and-drop styles and over 500 presets. Highlighted transitions and dissolves include Particle Illusion Dissolve, Swish Pan, Flutter Cut, Fast Film Glow, Light Leaks, Lens Blur, and Damaged TV.
VR Continuum’s VR Unit seriously speeds up 360 immersive editing and finishing workflows. Stay inside your host timeline while avoiding the seams inherent to regular non-VR filters. Supports 180, 360, mono, and stereoscopic formats. Based on Mocha VR’s award-winning 360/VR tech. Includes VR Reorient, VR Insert, VR Blur, VR Sharpen, and VR Flicker Fixer.
WARP Continuum’s Warp Unit lets users distort and morph footage in every which way. Highlighted effects include Bulge, Ripple, Turbulence, Twirl, and Warp.
THOUSANDS OF PRESETS Continuum’s presets allow users to quickly add professionally-designed effects and looks without the hassle of starting from scratch. Simply drag & drop any preset. Presets can be easily tweaked, saved, and shared among teams who also have access to Continuum — regardless of host application — for an even more streamlined workflow.
- Creative Cloud, CS5.5 and higher – After Effects and Premiere Pro
- Blackmagic: DaVinci Resolve 12.5+
- Sony: Vegas Pro 13
- Magix: Vegas Pro 14+
- Foundry: Nuke 9+
Информация о программе:
Год выпуска: 2019
Разработчик: borisfx.com
Платформа/ОС: Windows® 7/8/8.1/10 (x64)
Язык интерфейса: English
Лекарство: В комплекте
Размер: 249 MB / 260 MB
Скачать Boris FX Continuum Complete 2020
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