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Easy Digital Album - с полностью переработанным интерфейсом и улучшенными автоматизированными функциями теперь быстрее и эффективнее, чем когда-либо. Это незаменимый инструмент для любого свадебного фотографа. Easy Digital Album станет помощником в вашей работе, как это уже стало для тысячи профессиональных фотографов.
Программа предлагает простоту использования, с новыми функциями и большим количеством профессионально разработанных шаблонов, позволяющих создавать прекрасные цифровые альбомы за короткое время.
Преимущества программы: - Автоматическое создание страниц
- Тысячи шаблонов
- Маски, фоны, графические элементы
- Много вариантов сортировки
- Обводка, тени, текст
- Изменение соотношение сторон
- Группировка изображений
- Создание любого размера альбома
- Много параметров выравнивания
- Экспорт PSD-файла
• Create any Album Size In Easy Digital Album you can create any album size you want (up to 100x50cm) choosing from any of the preset sizes or by simple typing your preferred size in the Width & Height fields. However, choosing a size doesn’t mean that you have to stick with it. For any reason you decide to change the size of an album EDA gives you the flexibility to do so, and not just changing the size of the album but also the aspect ratio of it while your layout remains unaffected!
• Import & Organize Images Whether you Import just a hundred of images or two thousand images EDA can easily handle it and with its smart image management system you will be working extremely fast once your images are imported. You can also Organize the images in Groups in the software and make it easier to find the shots you are looking for.
And if you prefer to shoot in raw and use Lightroom, Capture One, Bridge or any other software to edit, select and rate the images for the album before exporting them you will be glad to know that EDA recognizes the Color Labels and Ratings you have added to your images in any external application and let you filter them with these tags. Even if you haven't done so in any external app, EDA still gives you the option to apply Color Labels to your images in the software and filter them accordingly. You will be covered any way you prefer to work and you’re going to love the ease and the speed of the proccess.
• Create Pages Automatically If you believe that designing an album is a time consuming process then EDA is about to change your belief. With many amazing features and the automated functions, that has evolved even more, in version 3.5 you’ll be able to create elegant digital albums in almost no time!
Drag the images you want on a page and a layout will be created automatically! Press the arrow keys on the keyboard and new layouts will be created every time you press the key, based on proffesionally designed templates. Add properties like Stroke & Shadow and they will be applied automatically to your layouts. Decorate your pages by selecting from a variety of Backgrounds, modify the Opacity of Images and assign many properties to them like Stroke, Shadow, Masks, Gradients, Overlays, Vignettes and Borders... and not just to a single layer at a time but to all the selected layers at the same time.
• Export in Native PSD Files When you finish the creation of the album and it’s time to export your pages in high resolution files EDA offers you an extra benefit. You can export your pages not just in any of the most common file types, JPG, TIFF, PDF, but also in native PSD files, with all layers and styles included. This is one of the most powerful features of EDA that separates it from the crowd. It supports not just Opacity and Stroke but Shadow, Masks, Gradients, Overlays an even Text. And all this settings remain editable in the PSD files you export.
Новые функции Easy Digital Album 3.5: • Smart Image Management The Smart Image Management of Easy Digital Album will always keep your original images intact, no matter what kind of transformation is applied to them. And you will also work extremely fast thanks to it.
• Change Album Aspect ratio Convert all the pages of an album in a new Aspect ratio, with a click of a button, in a few seconds. A powerful feature of EDA that saves you a lot of time and frustration in a case of a mistake on the size of the album.
• Apply Color Labels EDA supports both Ratings & Color Labels you have applied to your images in any external application and let you filter your images accordingly. But in the case you haven't done so you still have the option to apply Color Labels in EDA!
• Duplicate Album Create an exact duplicate of an album, with all the images you have imported and pages you have created, so you can easily make parent albums of smaller size and different layouts when it's needed.
• Create Image Groups Organize your images in Groups and name them accordingly so you can easily find the images you are looking for and work faster and more efficient.
• Import - Export Albums Import or Export an album from one computer to another so you can continue working on an album wherever you go, from your desktop to your laptop and vice versa.
• Edit Images Open an image in any external application from within EDA, while you are creating a layout, and edit it as you wish. After you save the image in the application EDA will recognize the changes and the edited image will be placed in the layout.
• Copy - Paste Properties Copy all the Properties of an image, like Stroke, Shadow, Overlay and Paste them to another image or images on the layout, on another layout and even on another album.
• Multiple Alignment Options Align the images on the page any way you want, match their size, or distribute them with the Multiple Alignment Options that EDA offers you.
• Auto Rename Pages Reorder the Pages of an album, by dragging them in the sequence you want and use the Auto Rename option to automatically rename them and place them in the right sequence before exporting them.
• Create And Save Your Own Templates Creating and Saving Your Own Templates is such an easy process in EDA. Whether you start from scratch or by modifying an existing Template.
• Cut And Merge layers When creating a new Template the option of Cutting Layers in equal pieces or Merging Layers together comes very handy and time efficient.
• Many Image Preset Sizes When you want to add an extra image on a page you can add a new image layer by choosing from Many Image Preset Sizes, both in Cm and Inches.
• Save Album Preset Sizes Saving any Album Size and its Properties as a Preset Size for future use is another feature of EDA that speeds up your workflow.
• Magnifier Tool Check the sharpness of any image before placing it on a layout with the Magnifier Tool. When you are exporting the pages in such big sizes every single detail matters.
• Masks, Overlays, Shadow, Text Make the pages of an album as minimalistic as you want or add Masks, Image Overlays, Shadows And Text. Whatever look you decide on EDA offers you the tools to create it.
• Lock Background Image And Color Lock the Background Image or the Color you have assign to a page so all the pages you create will have exactly the same look, without the need to apply again these settings to every single page.
• Export With Color Profiles Export the pages of an album by assigning the Color Profile you want the pages to have, from sRGB, Adobe RGB, ColorMatch RGB, ProPhoto RGB or Apple RGB.
• Many New Backgrounds Added Many new Backgrounds have been added to the 3.5 version of EDA. Along with the already included in the previous version they are easily accessible, with one click and they can add a different touch to your layouts.
• Copy - Paste Layers The new Copy - Paste Layers function allows you to copy, layers, like images, static items and text, with all their properties from one page to another on the exact same location.
• Automatic Layouts With Properties Add Properties like Stroke & Shadow on your images while you create the pages of an album Automatically. Select the Color, the Thickness, the Angle, the Spread and let EDA do the rest for you.
• Image Name On Images Before you Export the pages of an album as PSD files you have the option to add the Names of the Images on each image. So when you are sending the pages for approval to your clients it's easier for you if they wish to make some changes on the pages.
• Auto Layout in the Saved Pages When you bring a Saved Page on the stage for re-editing if you delete or add an image on the page the Template is being created automatically and all the layout options, for the number of images you have on the page, become available.
• Template Viewer In EDA 3.5 there is a Template Viewer so you can quickly view all the templates included in the software and also the templates you create and save.
• Flip Template - Flip Page Use the many keyboard shortcuts of EDA to easily Flip the Template Horizontally and Vertically or just Flip the Right or Left page separately, and you'll instantly have a different layout.
• Speaks Your Language Through the many years of its existence EDA has learned a lot of Languages. For the moment 4 Languages are supported, English, German, Greek & Portuguese. New languages will be added shortly.
• Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (.NET Framework is also required.)
Информация о программе:
Год выпуска: 2019
Разработчик: easydigitalalbum.com
Платформа/ОС: Windows 7/8/8.1/10
Язык интерфейса: Multilingual / English
Лекарство: В комплекте
Размер: 113 MB
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