Album DS 11.3.0 (x64) » Программы для windows. Скачивайте софт бесплатно, без регистрации и смс

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Скачать Album DS 11.3.0 (x64) 

Категория: Графический софт

Опубликована: 18 ноября 2017

Album DS 11.3.0 (x64)
Album DS - одна из самых популярных программ для создания фотоколлажей и фотоальбомов. Полностью совместима с Adobe Photoshop CS до CC 2017. В комплект входят более 600 шаблонов, легко подгоняющихся под ваш размер фотоальбома. Album DS — С Album DS быстро и легко создаются великолепные цифровые альбомы совместно со всеми известной и полюбившейся программой Adobe Photoshop. Album DS Design Software is the perfect design solution For albums of any style, magazine, coffee table, flush mount and even matted albums. It's compatible with any album from any manufacturer and is also great for any other photographic design need. Much more than just templates Album DS is complete wedding album design software for the most demanding photographers who want to make more money by spending less time designing while at the same time delivering a superior product Album DS works as a toolbar for Adobe Photoshop CS or higher. Therefore Album DS commands Photoshop in a fast way so that most of the works that usually take a bunch of steps if manually made only need a double click in the main Album DS window. For sample: if you want to place a picture into a sheet you would need to open the file, copy the layer from the picture file, paste it in the target document ( the sheet), resize the picture layer and crop it for your needs. Using Album DS you only need to select the target shape layer in the document and double click at the picture in Album DS, but ... there is more, Album DS will automatically rename the picture layer allowing for a direct link with the file, will rotate the picture if needed, will place it centered or at the top left corner of the shape ( selectionable) and will NOT crop the image because it's not needed as the shape layer makes this function, also will mark the picture as used for pictures tracking. But this is only the head of the iceberg, Album DS has so many features not available in any other software like preferred template ( and background, mask, etc) folders for any project, automatic creation of the whole album, web site creation, slideshow, easy templates saving, etc. And we have to mention that all files used by Album DS are standard files and you may add your own very easily, you can even use templates from other producers by adapting them in a few steps. No restrictionss for creativity. Main features and advantages of Album DS: • Completely integrated with Adobe Photoshop (CS2 or higher) works like a Photoshop toolbar. • Uses Photoshop working area, don 't worry about too small or too big work areas, just use Photoshop zooming capabilities. • Creates album sheets in PSD, JPG and TIF format. • Automatic filling of templates optimizing picture fitting or optionally fitting picture to design. • Save your designs as templates in PSD format. • Photo retouch capabilities included • Templates searching from multiple folders, filtering after pictures number and position, automatic filtering for selected pictures. • Automatically resizes any template to your album size and include trimming guides. You may also include more Photoshop guides. • Resize, rotate and reposition your pictures many times without quality loss. • Used pictures and templates control. • Displays thumbnails of designed pages for easy album story following. • Pictures are never cropped, only masked. You may resize at any time. • Edit your pictures in Photoshop with instantly automatic Album update. • Resize designed albums to new sizes easily and fast. • Apply masks instantly, design your own masks and add them to the program. • Apply frames and backgrounds easily, you may also add your own frames and backgrounds. • Available in multiple languages: English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese and Polish. • Album to web page conversion tool. • File seeking and renaming tools. • More than 1200 flipable H/V templates, multiple masks, backgrounds, frames and you may combine them. Just multiply and you will see how many templates you get. • Create picture collages easily and save them as templates • Add styles to your pictures and layers with one click. • Classic album facilities to add masks, frames, etc to single pictures. • Pictures, Album sheets and templates preview. Album slideshow. • Supplier independent album design solution. • Mouse over preview of pictures, templates and sheets allows for bigger preview of elements without having to open them one by one. • Predefined album sizes, just select the company and the album type and the size will be retrieved. • Pictures can be automatically centered or positioned at top left corner. • Autofiltering templates for selected pictures • Preassign templates to selected pictures • Smart automatic album design Version 11.3 (October 2017) * Compatible with Adobe Photoshop CC 2018. * Improved layout tool.
Album DS 11.3.0 (x64)
Информация о программе: Год выпуска: 2017 Платформа: Windows® 10/8/8.1/7 (x64) Язык интерфейса: Английский Лекарство: patch-GreenGnom Размер файла: 415.00 MB
Скачать Album DS 11.3.0 (x64)

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