Сейчас Вы просматриваете программу, находящуюся в категории(ях): Системный софт / Менеджеры файлов. Далее Вы сможете посмотреть полную новость программы, которой Вы заинтересовались. Для того, чтобы бесплатно скачатьSpeedCommander Pro 17.10.8700, прокрутите страницу вниз до окончания полной новости и перейдите по указанным ссылкам. Приятного Вам скачивания!
SpeedCommander - файловый менеджер с многочисленными, в том числе и уникальными, возможностями для работы с файлами. Из непривычных для файловых менеджеров функций можно обратить внимание на мощную систему шифрования файлов (файлы сжимаются (внутренняя поддержка ARJ, ZIP, LHA, RAR, CAB, ACE, GZIP, TAR и UUE), затем шифруются с помощью стойкого алгоритма DES, а потом их названия можно дополнительно защитить паролем). Кроме этой довольно редкой опции, в SpeedCommander существует встроенная поддержка просмотра около восьмидесяти графических и текстовых форматов; есть полнофункциональный текстовый редактор с подсветкой синтаксиса и не менее функциональный FTP-клиент.
Особенности программы:
- Двухпанельный многоязычный GUI интерфейс
- Расширенный поиск файлов
- Поддержка большого числа типов архивов
- Встроенный FTP-клиент
- Работа с вкладками каталогов
- Работа с контейнерами файлов (создается группа ярлыков, которую можно просматривать в отдельной папке)
- Поддержка WFX-плагинов
- Работа с сетевым окружением
- Поддержка Drag & Drop при работе с другими приложениями
SpeedCommander is a comfortable file manager. It builds on the proven two window technology and offers a multitude of exclusive features. Sort, copy, move or delete your files either using the keyboard or the mouse.
Proven Two Window Technology
SpeedCommander displays files and folders in the proven two window technology - source and target of operations are therefore always visible. This ensures a higher productivity compared to Windows Explorer and an extremely fast navigation through files, folders and FTP sites.
SpeedCommander offers you many options for copying and moving files. Besides the usual deletion SpeedCommander has a secure deletion compliant to governmental standards. With the integrated Quick View SpeedCommander shows you the content of many file formats. Pictures, videos or music files - SpeedCommander gives you a fast overview for every kind of files. FileSync synchronizes folders, FileSearch finds files and folders on all data mediums.
Extensive Archive Support
SpeedCommander makes handling compressed files easy, because they are treated like ordinary folders. Experience direct support for many archive formats as well as compressing and decompressing them without the need for further software. Compression profiles can sum up settings and self-extracting archives make additional software superfluous. Recovery data offers protection against damaged archives.
Add-In Interface
SpeedCommander has a modern Add-In interface, so that additional plugins can be used, enhancing the original functionality. SpeedCommander communicates with the Add-In via the component object model (COM). An Add-In can add functionality in the menu or the toolbars. The Add-Ins also have full access to SpeedCommander's object model. They can open and alter folder windows, as well access their content.
Add further file systems via the interface for file system Add-Ins into SpeedCommander. Use the WinCeFS Add-In to access PDA devices with ActiveSync. The WfxWrapper Add-In integrates the many file system plugins from Total Commander (wfx).
Simple tasks can be automated with macros. Macros can use the different objects of SpeedCommander too, also all script capable components (e.g. several shell objects) can be included. Edit macros easily with the integrated macro editor and check them for possible errors with a script debugger (like Visual Studio).
Enhanced FTP Functions
SpeedCommander supports various FTP types like FTP via SSH (SFTP) and SSL encrypted FTP. The user just needs to choose a protocol, everything else is done by Speedcommander in a transparent way. The support for proxies was expanded noticeably. SpeedCommander supports Socks 4/4a/5 and HTTP connections. The user can choose to compress directory listing and file transfers with MODE Z. Band width limiting keeps your line responsive, if required.
Native 64-bit Version for Windows x64 Edition
SpeedCommander is also available as native 64-bit version for Windows x64. Only a real 64-bit file manager can access all files on Windows x64. 32-bit applications are rerouted to "Windows\SysWow64" and can't access the folder "Windows\System32"
• Simultaneously press When calling a menu command prevents the restoration of a last saved dialog position (eg in the case of multiple renaming)
• Symbol and menu bars can be fixed to protect against unintentional movement (Customize dialog: Advanced)
• Quick View: Option to disable the display of size information for folders (Settings dialog: Advanced - Quick View)
• Quick View: Option to disable automatic playback of multimedia files (Settings dialog: Advanced - Quick View)
• Quick View: The display of files in the Quick View can be paused (Customize dialog: Category view - pause fast view)
• SCBackupRestore: You can use the recycle bin to delete backup times
• SCBackupRestore: Unknown backup times (folders without time stamps) can be excluded during automatic cleanup
• List view: Pressing 'Shift + Tab' in the filter selection field from the Quick Filter window will switch to the list view (instead of the input field)
• Multiple Rename: Invalid characters are replaced by a hyphen and no longer removed
• Quick View: Update the PDF viewer to version 2.5.321
• RAR: Update unrar to version 5.55
• After a start with elevated rights, no other instance could be started with normal rights
• List view: Pressing In the quick filter input field, a warning tone was played
• List view: Icons in the Quick Filter window did not change when the theme is changed in the Customize dialog
• List view: Unintentionally connecting network drives when displaying .lnk links
• List view: Focused entry may slip out of the field of view when the folder is changed after the automatic folder size calculation is completed
• Update: No automatic update when copying individual files to the desktop directory
• Macros: Macros with sub-functions have not been imported correctly
• Multiple Rename: When replacing "." '_' Also converts the file extension point
• Multiple Rename: Some internal placeholders [! SC.XXX] have returned invalid or empty values
• Pro version: When uploading to OneDrive of files> 1 MiB, spaces in file names have been converted to plus characters
• Pro version: No connection to WebDAV servers that require TLS 1.2
• Achive: Archives containing filenames with a colon can not be unpacked
• ZIP: Possible crash when unpacking ZIP archives created with 7-Zip was aborted
• RAR: Error message when testing the integrity of RAR5 archives
• SpeedEdit: There was not enough space for the display of four-digit line numbers
• SpeedEdit: After reloading and saving, a double BOM was written under certain circumstances
• SpeedEdit: When saving a file under the same name, 'File - Save As' the file was deleted
• SpeedEdit: SpeedEdit could not be terminated when an open file is deleted from the outside
• FileSearch: Crash when calling 'Find places' if no search text was specified
• FileSearch: When looking for extended file properties via the 'Additional conditions' area, files without these properties were also listed as hits
• SCBackupRestore: The search for a valid backup folder was not limited to the base folder
Информация о программе:Год выпуска: 2017
Платформа: Windows® 10/8/8.1/7
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Лекарство: cracked
Размер файла: 36.12 MB
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