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Скачать TwistedBrush Pro Studio 19.00 

Категория: Графический софт / Графические редакторы

Опубликована: 11 июня 2012

TwistedBrush Pro Studio 19.00

TwistedBrush Pro Studio - программа для художников. Она имеет большое количество самых разнообразных инструментов для рисования, от красок до мелков и карандашей. Эта программа глубоко поражает буквально с первого запуска. Интерфейсом Twisted-Brush мало похож на другие редакторы, хотя и предоставляет все необходимые возможности: работа с буфером обмена, зуминг и, конечно же, рисование. Причем рисующий инструмент только один — кисточка, зато количество (более 3000 штук) и качество пресетов для рисования а также многообразие форм и регулируемость размеров и цветовой гаммы позволяют человеку, не особо одаренному художественными талантами, буквально за пару минут изобразить то, что — возможно, более аккуратно и качественно, конечно — профессионал, работающий в другом редакторе, рисовал бы, наверное, не один час.

Changes in TwistedBrush Pro Studio 19.00:
Added - Bezier Curve tool added to the main tool bar.
Added - Art Pro - Auto Masking Paint ArtSet added.
Added - Brush Effect modifier Art Pro - Auto Mask added to the Effects - Basic modifier ArtSet.
Added - Clone Source Page and Cloner Source Layer added to Quick Command Panel set of possible commands.
Added - 3 Oil Brushes added to the Art Pro - Image Brush ArtSet.
Added - Popup menu option to toggle the Brush Effects panel from the Brush Shortcut panel.
Added - Pro Un-Erase brush added to the Pro Natural Media ArtSet.
Added - Save Preset and Load Preset buttons added to the Brush Control panel for easy saving and loading of brush settings.
Added - A RND button is added to the Brush Control panel to randomize the Pro brushes control sliders.
Added - Pro Nu Stippling Brush in the Art Pro - Nu Media ArtSet
Added - Pro Glass Block and Pro Stipplizer brushes to the Art Pro - Effects ArtSet
Added - Automation script added - PNGFilesToLayers
Added - 4 Engraving brushes and 1 half toning brush added to the Art Pro - Cloning ArtSet.
Added - Pro Blob Holes brush added to the Art Pro - Blob Modeling ArtSet.
Added - Art Pro - Animated ArtSet. Just Butterflies brush so far.
Added - Paper Presets are now supported. Allows for saving by name your custom paper settings.
Added - 11 paper presets added.
Added - Pro Watercolor Dry 6 brush added to the Art Pro - Natural Media ArtSet.
Added - Pro Blob Liquid Modeler and Pro Blob Liquid Sharper brushes to the Art Pro - Blob Modeling ArtSet.
Added - Auto mask and Auto mask tolerance brush effects added.
Added - Ctrl + Click in the brush shortcuts panel will save the current brush to the clicked shortcut slot.
Added - Colorize layer mix mode.
Added - Lay Colorize brush effect.
Added - Pro Colorize brush change to use the new Lay Colorize effect and Pro Color brush is added that used the Lay Color effect.
Added - Pro Blended Paint to the Art Pro - Natural Media ArtSet.
Added - Pro LF Blended Paint to the Art Pro - Large Format ArtSet.
Added - Brush effects Set Var 1 - Set Var 10.
Added - Brush effects envelops getvar1 = getvar10
Improved - Minor adjustments to the Pro Pen Smooth brush.
Improved - For the Brush Effects and Brush Envelopes selector popup set focus so that keyboard and mouse scroll wheel is immediately usable.
Improved - When editing animations retain the drawing grid from frame to frame.
Improved - The mouse button toggle notification messages can now be disabled.
Improved - GIF Animations recorded above 10 frames per seconds will toss away frames allow for playback in browsers with the intended speed.
Improved - The Automation system is no longer considered experimental.
Improved - Script brush are much fast now, especially for scripts and use multiple brushes.
Improved - The Art Pro - Image Shape ArtSet brushes now can work with most of the brush modifiers shapes.
Improved - Most of the Art Pro - Image Brush ArtSet brushes can be combined with brush shapes now.
Improved - The Art Pro - Blob Modeling ArtSet has been updated to take advantage of optional brush control sliders.
Improved - The Art Pro - Clip Brush ArtSet has been updated to take advantage of optional brush control sliders.
Improved - The Art Pro - Cloner ArtSet has been updated to take advantage of optional brush control sliders.
Improved - The Art Pro - Design ArtSet has been updated to take advantage of optional brush control sliders.
Improved - The Art Pro - Effects ArtSet has been updated to take advantage of optional brush control sliders.
Improved - The Art Pro - Image Brush ArtSet has been updated to take advantage of optional brush control sliders.
Improved - The Art Pro - Image Shapes ArtSet has been updated to take advantage of optional brush control sliders.
Improved - The Art Pro - Large Format ArtSet has been updated to take advantage of optional brush control sliders.
Improved - The Art Pro - Liquid ArtSet has been updated to take advantage of optional brush control sliders.
Improved - The Art Pro - Mandala ArtSet has been updated to take advantage of optional brush control sliders.
Improved - The Art Pro - Fire and Gases ArtSet has been updated to take advantage of optional brush control sliders.
Improved - When reverting to a restore point don't zoom to fit the page.
Improved - Default the Blob mode to Alpha Lum 4 instead of Alpha Lum 5.
Improved - Layered Mode added to a couple of Blob Modeler brushes.
Improved - Added Lock Color option to the Pro - Blob Blender brush.
Improved - The special layers (Paper, Reference and Mask Edit) retain their opacity settings between use.
Improved - The Inner Glow filter now working in combination with the current mask in addition to the transparent areas.
Changed - Palette editing is now accomplished with shift + click rather then right click.
Fixed - In the Quick Command Edit dialog if a item is not selected and OK is pressed a crash would occur.
Fixed - The Unmask Add and Unmask New options of the selection tool were not working.
Fixed - Attempting to load a TBR file as a reference image would result in a program crash.
Fixed - In the Animation Controller the Layer buttons, such as Copy Layer, would not work without first painting on the layer.
Fixed - The stylus eraser was not properly retaining the alpha or size settings.
Fixed - The TileX and TileY brush effects could not properly tile across the entire page in some cases. This fix corrects a number of brushes.
Fixed - The Pro Palette Brush and Pro Watercolor Dry 1 brushes in the Art Pro - Natural Media ArtSet had incorrect rotation.
Fixed - The Copy tool was not properly copying the last row or column of an image.
Fixed - Pro Pattern brushes were not working properly in combination with masks.

Операционная система: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista/7
Год выхода: 2012
Версия: 19.00
Язык интерфейса: english
Лекарство: присутствует
Размер: 22,5 Мб

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